GW Instek
GW Instek

Acerca de GW INSTEK

For over 30 years, GW Instek has been recognized for producing quality electronic Test & Measurement Instruments. Leading with the guiding principles of honesty, quality, innovation and creativity, GW Instek is committed to providing the highest value, reliability and trust in its brand, backed by robust research & design and manufacturing experience.

Newark offers easy online access to the comprehensive GW Instek product line. You'll find a complete solution for your test, measurement and inspection needs including laboratory power supplies, multimeters, oscilloscopes and more. Trust Newark — Voted #1 in Test by the 2013 Hearst Design & Interface Study.

Featured Products

Laboratory Power Supplies

Choose from a broad range of lab power supplies from G W Instek

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Signal Generators

Generate the signals for your testing needs with equipment from G W Instek

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Browse GW Instek's options in the latest Function and Signal Generators

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Lista de productos de GW Instek

Equipos de Pruebas y Medición

Protección de Líneas Eléctricas

Mostrar todos los productos (278)


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