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Keysight Technologies  

is a world leader in electronic test and measurement with innovations in wireless, modular, and software solutions. Keysight delivers solutions in wireless communications, aerospace, and defense and semiconductor markets.

Keysight products include hardware and software for benchtop, modular, and field instruments. Key product offerings include oscilloscopes, multimeters, logic analyzers, signal generators, spectrum analyzers, network analyzers, power supplies and more.

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Featured Products
Keysight 1000X Series

Keysight’s InfiniiVision 1000 X-Series oscilloscopes are engineered to give you quality, industry-proven technology at unbelievably low prices.

Keysight Oscilloscopes

Keysight’s InfiniiVision oscilloscopes are engineered to give you quality, industry-proven technology at unbelievably low prices.

Keysight Leads and Probes

Keysight’s high performance probes are engineered for superior signal access and measurement accuracy.

33500B/33600A Series Trueform Waveform Generators

Keysight’s 33500B and 33600A Series Waveform generators with exclusive Trueform Signal generation technology offer more capability, fidelity and flexibility than previous generation DDS generators. (See Special Offers pages for Free Memory Upgrade!)

34972A Data Acquisition Switch Unit

3-slot mainframe with built-in 6½ digit DMM and 8 option switch and control plug-in modules.

U1450A/U1460A Series Insulation Resistance Testers with Remote Link Options

The Keysight U1450A/60A Series is a 1kV insulation resistance tester with remote testing and report generation capability via Windows PC or iOS/Andorid smart devices by adding a U1117A Bluetooth® adapter

33500B Series Waveform Generators

33500B Series waveform generators is the first in its class with Keysight’s exclusive Trueform Technology, the next generation in waveform signal creation, which provides superior performance over previous waveform technology.

Keysight Truevolt Series Digital Multimeters

Keysight’s NEW Truevolt Digital Multimeters (DMMs) offer a full range of measurement capabilities and price points with higher levels of accuracy, speed, and resolution.

Keysight NEW! Triple Output Power Supplies

The triple output E36300 Series gives you the performance of system power supplies at an affordable price.

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Lista de productos de Keysight Technologies

Cables, Alambres y Ensambles de Cables


Equipos de Pruebas y Medición

Pilas, Baterías y Cargadores

Protección de Líneas Eléctricas

Sensores y Transductores

Mostrar todos los productos (1,887)

Nuevos productos de Keysight Technologies

Equipos de Pruebas y Medición

Mostrar todos los productos (18)



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