

Since our beginning in 1954 the world renowned product brands of ITWSwitches™, ITW McMurdo Connectors and ITW ERG Components have become a world leading partner and is the “Original Switch Partner”.

When your design requires a versatile, robust and reliable switch, ITWSwitches™ is the company that you can turn to. With over 60 years of design and engineering expertise, we are able to recommend the best product for your application. We design and build both standard and custom switches that are trusted by top companies to meet the toughest applications in their industries. From industrial machinery to communications, transportation and agriculture to aerospace and military, ITWSwitches™ is known for quality and consistency. We’ve built our reputation for reliability in applications that demand maximum performance.

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Lista de productos de ITW Switches

Automatización y Control de Procesos

Relevadores e Interruptores (Switch)

Mostrar todos los productos (168)


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