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BlockMaster Electronics has provided innovative interconnect and terminal block solutions to electrical and electronic OEMs since 1994. The company has low-cost, high-quality manufacturing capabilities and can provide reliable products from stock.
A distinct competitive advantage that BlockMaster offers its customers includes the ability to make modifications in-house to its terminal blocks based on customer requirements. BlockMaster’s Value-added Center provides the ability to fabricate, modify and print legends on our terminal blocks at our Illinois facility for quick turnaround.
BlockMaster Electronics manufactures terminal blocks from 1 to 380 amps, including PCB styles up to 150 amps and PCB & SM screw terminals from 10 – 150 amps. The company offers over 9,500 P/Ns including single and double row Barrier Blocks, PCB, Feed-through, Plugs and Headers. Eurostyle Terminal Strips, and Power Distribution Blocks. BlockMaster’s Value-added Center can also provide quick turnaround on prototypes.
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